
The Enterprise of Joint-Stock Company "Trust Uraldomnaremont" have all necessary licences for manufacture of the works connected with repair and reconstruction of metallurgical units. All works are spent on the basis of strict observance of the legislation, building norms and rules and other engineering specifications.

The licence for building of buildings and constructions
The License for designing of buildings and a construction
The Certificate on industrial certification of technology of welding
The Certificate on industrial certification of technology of welding
The Certificate of conformity to requirements ISO 9001-2001
620034 Russia,  Yekaterinburg  Kolmogorova, str. 3
phone.: (+7 343) 245-05-89, fax: 245-18-90

Сайт сделан в дизайн-студии Лондон, программирование и оформление Олег Сиваков.

			This Website is made by Web-studio London. Programming and Design Oleg A.Sivakov.,